Driving businesses to faster, better search advertising wins.

I give teams what they need to master Google Ads.


Driving businesses to faster, better search advertising wins.

I give teams what they need to master Google Ads.

Feeling the pressure in the digital advertising race?

Paid search competition is fierce! Every sector is full of industry giants using Google Ads and programmatic to crush smaller competitors. You probably know that or you wouldn't be here, right?

Well, let me tell you a little secret: Growth-stage businesses can compete with the best of 'em!

You don't need to have the biggest ads budget or the top agency. What you need is strategic guidance and the foundation for high performance.

That's why I created NAJ Marketing.

Small and growth-stage businesses deserve to thrive. We help them get there.

Here's How We Can Help You

High-Impact Success Partnership

Make in-house ads management faster, easier, and more profitable.


Google Ads & Bing Ads SEM Strategy

Winning paid search strategy aligned with your business goals and refined with all the details for success.

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Google Ads & Bing Ads Professional Audits

Highly skilled analysis to uncover hidden problems, performance bottlenecks, and missed opportunities.

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Ads Account Structure Design

Let our ads account structure design give you the perfect foundation for simplified ads management, high efficiency, and higher return.

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Paid Search Campaign Plans

Expand your customer reach with new, launch-ready campaigns that are professionally planned and ready to hit your performance goals.

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Ads Consulting Support

Get expert guidance and optimization assistance from an ads success partner who wants the best for your business.

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Here's How We Can Help You

High-Impact Success Partnership

Make in-house ads management faster, easier, and more profitable.

Google & Bing SEM Strategy

Get a done-for-you SEM strategy aligned with your business goals and refined with all the details for success.

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Google Ads & Bing Ads Professional Audits

Highly skilled analysis to uncover hidden problems, performance bottlenecks, and missed opportunities.

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Ads Account Structure Design

Let our ads account structure design give you the perfect foundation for simplified ads management, high efficiency, and higher return.

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Paid Search Campaign Plans

Expand your customer reach with new, launch-ready campaigns that are professionally planned and ready to hit your performance goals.

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Ads Consulting Support

Get expert guidance and optimization assistance from an ads success partner who wants the best for your business.

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The SEM performance maximizer: Who you get in your corner.

Hey there! I'm Nea.

What do you get when you pair a love for tech with a love for business growth and consumer psychology?

You get me—your favorite martech geek.

I spent over a decade in the marketing technology world. Since 2019, I nestled quietly in the background helping agencies drive business success through digital advertising. From start-up and medium-sized agencies to the biggest and best, it's been amazing. Truly great!!

NAJ Marketing extends the reach of that greatness.

For whom?

  • For businesses that want autonomy over their advertising.
  • For overwhelmed in-house advertising teams ready to get unstuck.
  • For businesses and agencies that need a bridge to results that make them proud.

Uncovering performance roadblocks is fun for me. I'll make it fun—or at least painless—for you.

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What qualifies me? So glad you asked!

Being responsible for business growth and development is a big deal. If that's your role, you know the importance of having the right people in your corner doing what they do best.

I founded NAJ Marketing to deliver high impact digital ads consulting services where they are needed most.

Check out what qualifies me:

  • Trusted search advertising SME for top marketing agencies
  • More than 200 organizations helped since 2019
  • Unrivaled results with monthly budgets from $5k to over $1 million
  • Over 600k qualified leads and sales generated
  • Sector experience: health and medical, agriculture, beauty, insurance, hospitality, education, waste management, SAAS, manufacturing, finance
  • Specialization across programmatic and search advertising platforms (Google Ads and Bing Ads)
  • Honest. Effective. Reliable. No BS ever!
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What Clients Say...

"Nea has a knack for SEM strategy development. Wonderful to work with!”

Anna Nelson

Digital Strategy Director

"She audited our Google Ads campaigns and built a plan we could handle in-house."

Connie Burse

Elek Technologies

"Nea takes the time to understand our goals and craft a strategy that works."

Lindsey Daku

Farotech Communications Director

Benefits: The payoff that aligns with your vision.

Faster, Easier Ads Management

Optimize in half the time with a low maintenance ads account structure, strategic targeting, and professional optimization guidance.

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Cost-Saving Discoveries & Fixes

Discover and resolve the costly performance roadblocks that eat your budget and limit your success.

In-House Google Ads Mastery

Empower your team for consistent, impressive performance wins without the stress and hassle.

Zero Commitment

Get the support you need when you need it, with no annual contract or ongoing fees.

Accelerated Business Growth

Grow your business with scalable, high-performing campaigns that align with your business goals.

Get in touch!

Don't be shy.

Make the first move. We'll handle the rest.

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Get in touch!

Don't be shy.

Make the first move. We'll handle the rest.