Paid Search Audit: Heavy Hitter or Waste of Time?

Does your business reap the full benefits of paid search advertising? Unless you say yes with absolute certainty and you’re fully satisfied with your results, a comprehensive ads account audit might bring the breakthrough you need.

Campaigns can have glaring red flags just like people. In fact, advertisers work right through them every day. So what's the big deal? Well, have you ever ignored a tangled thread on a sweater? How about a tiny sprout of weeds in a garden? You know what happens when these small problems get ignored, and you want nothing of the sort for your ad campaigns. Right?

Annual audits are a great standard, but you can also rely on the signs. Let's take a look at those now.

"Sometimes you don't know there's a solution. Sometimes you don't know there's a problem."

The Red Flags You Can't Afford to Ignore

  • Frequent need for budget increases
  • Constant need for keyword adjustments
  • Outranked by competitors
  • Metrics overstate business impact
  • Disappointing ROI
  • Higher than expected CPA
  • Weak growth trend
  • Sudden performance decline
  • Useless, irrelevant leads
  • Losses after Google-recommended changes
  • Campaign optimization skill gap
  • Conversion rate below industry
  • Unpredictable or inconsistent results
  • Unsure what the heck to do next

The Whys and Whens

A comprehensive advertising audit takes significant time, attention, and expertise. It’s also not the cheapest thing you'll ever invest in. So what makes it worth it?

The short answer is simple: results. Every business and every advertiser wants the best possible return on their investment. Running campaigns is obviously central to that goal, and audits ensure that they run with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Given the performance impact, a great audit pays for itself.

The Payoff

Let’s take a look at the benefits of regular, comprehensive audits:

  • Missed opportunity discovery
  • Reach more of the right customers
  • Increase ROAS
  • Less need for budget increases
  • Uncover expensive mistakes
  • Impress investors or executives
  • More consistent results
  • Find performance bottleneck culprit
  • Expert insights
  • Knock competitors down a notch
  • Successful optimization
  • Improve ad rank
  • Growth after stagnation
  • Reduce wasted ad spend

The finale: Find out more about our paid search audit package or simply click the button below to get started.

Need Help Reaching Your Search Advertising Goals?

Improve performance, reduce ads management time, make the most of your budget, and maximize ROI.

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